
Thursday, November 20, 2003

A cat lives two blocks from me. I see him often when Harley and I take our humans for their walks.

I do not bark at the cat. I want to but he lives with an elderly lady and elderly ladies are nice.

The other day I heard the lady talking to the cat while we were walking past. She was asking the cat where she should place a holiday decoration.

What a silly question to ask a cat.

Cats are terrible decorators.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Today the Missus said it was time to get out the turtle necks.

Why would she want turtle necks? Where does she keep them? Wouldn't they stink by now?

Does she use them for soup?

What did she do with the rest of the turtle?

I am going to try and be very good...in case she decides she wants Scotty necks next!
I have been very busy lately. The air has turned colder outside and all the leaves from Bill's trees are flying through the air. I must chase them. Leaves can't be trusted.

Bill has a loud machine that makes the leaves go away. Harley watches him in case any of them try to escape. I wait for them to float over to my yard and then I bark at them. I scare them good because after I bark they fly away.

Call me Dugan the Leaf Exterminator!

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