
Friday, October 31, 2003

Many strange creatures came to our house tonight. My Sir sat out on the patio with a scary head on his shoulders to try and scare them away. I, of course, stayed nearby to protect him.

The creatures came in all sizes, big and small. Some glowed in the dark. Sir gave them human treats from a big bowl so they wouldn't try to eat us instead. I did not try to eat the human treats. I was waiting for the Lad to come back with his bone suit!


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

My humans are preparing for a holiday called Halloween. The lad has a suit that looks like all his bones are on the outside of his body. He even glows in the dark!

How cruel is this Halloween to dogs? They dress the lad up like my favorite snack and then yell at me when I try to eat him!

Humans are so weird.

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