
Thursday, December 16, 2004

Rescue an animal...get a friend like Harley!

Remember my best buddy, Harley? Harley is a bichon mix and lives next door with his human, Bill. Harley had a rough time until he met Bill. His humans didn't understand him and took him to an animal shelter. This happened TWICE to poor Harley.

Bill rescued him. (I still think he used a helicopter)

Harley and I wrestle, share treats, take our Sirs for walks (the poor things have no sense of adventure...we always wind up where we started) and share important doggie security secrets.

There are millions of animals all over the United States like Harley...just looking for the right home. Think about them this Christmas or any time of the year. There is a link on my page to the Pennsylvania Rescue but you can rescue an animal from anywhere!

Be a hero like Bill! Get a helicopter and go rescue a special friend!

Rescue Me

Rescue me not only with your hands but with your heart as well.
I will respond to you.

Rescue me not out of pity but out of love.
I will love you back.

Rescue me not with self-righteousness but with compassion.
I will learn what you teach.

Rescue me not because of my past but because of my future.
I will relax and enjoy.

Rescue me not simply to save me but to give me a new life.
I will appreciate your gift.

Rescue me not only with a firm hand but with tolerance and patience.
I will please you.

Rescue me not only because of who I am but who I'm to become.
I will grow and mature.

Rescue me not to revere yourself to others but because you want me.
I will never let you down.

Rescue me not with a hidden agenda but with a desire to teach me to trust.
I will be loyal and true.

Rescue me not to be chained or to fight but to be your companion.
I will stand by your side.

Rescue me not to replace one you've lost but to sooth your spirit.
I will cherish you.

Rescue me not to be your pet but to be your friend.
I will give you unconditional love.

Author Unknown

Life is short...love hard...


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